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 My Work - consultant and fabricator





I recently finished another project for UWRF. The Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences called and asked me to serve as artistic consultant and fabricator for a 28' x 58" foot vertical sundial. The work on the sundial, was technically exacting and difficult. I mention it here because it shows the care that we put into the work coming out of our studios. The sundial shape of course was dictated by precise mathematical formulas, but the materials, their fabrication and mounting were left to me. In order to maintain the accuracy of the timepiece we fabricated and located the pieces within .063 on the 30 x 60 wall. All pieces fit, and the dial keeps time within about 30 sec or less all year long. Both Dean Prochnow and Dr. Shepherd, who did the calculations were impressed with the quality of the work we delivered. You may contact Dr. Shepard, Neal has retired.

Dr. John Shepherd, Physics Dept
College of Arts and Sciences,
172 Kleinpell Fine Arts Building,
University of Wisconsin River Falls,
410 S. 3rd St.
River Falls, WI 54022-5001

John Shepherd <John.P.G.Shepherd@uwrf.edu>


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Gene Olson