May 2005

Strangis Fountain

The project is to put a new copper fountain on the side of the Chimney in a roof garden/terrace.

Mettle Works Home Page

progress on the fountain sculpture

Upper pan edges defined and trimmed to size, spillways trimmed, leveled and roughed in.
Clay mockups for probable decorative/transition plates at wall.

trimming the edge of the pan.

Using the forming die as a clamp to hold the edge while truing up the spillway.

Initial pass with detailing die made some shape discrepencies more noticable. This required rework.
The bad curve was reformed and planished, annealed, replanished, annealled and then run over with the die again.

Pullmax die for the edge of the pan..

shots of the Hummingbird part of the weathervane.

welding rod stand in for eventual forged bill/flower stamen/flower stem

Initial fitting of the valve manifold with custom altered union fitting.

Strangis Fountain project main page - Index of Jobs