Long ago, I kind of fell in love with sheet metal.
No, it is not a mono mania, just a kind of pragmatic choice. It seems like drawing for me. Art, is supposed to be about the message, not the problems of the media, though the two are inexorably entwined. I found that moving the metal gave me great freedom to express what I wanted to. I organized a workshop and taught a class on doing designs in the tops of altoids tins. We needed tools so I went into production to make them.
After the class, others asked for sets and I kind of fell into the tool business.

This is the original set of tools. (Click on the image to go to my sales page.)
after I started I found I needed bigger ones, smaller ones. ones for texturing, all sorts of them . . . .

Liners, fullers, pushers of all sizes.
Over the years I have added many different sizes shapes and textures.
If you have some special need, let me know.
Follow this link to the Tool Sales Page